Sunday, January 17, 2021

Prague: Night Tour & Pub

Back in July 2018, after completing my first year in Western Canada, I booked a trip to visit Europe alone. I joined a bus tour (I know, I know, not exactly alone) so that I could enjoy the holiday without headaches and pre-planning. 

I booked the trip using a site I found on Twitter, TourRadar which allows you to input your preferences, budget, etc. and they'll recommend itineraries and companies. 

I selected a 10-day tour that would pass clockwise through five (5) countries in the EU: Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria. Most meals were included, there were no 'shopping stops', and most evenings were free for personal exploration and/or rest. 

The tour began in Munich, Germany (photos will come another day), but the next day was Prague. I had heard several friends in Japan spill the wonders of how lovely Prague was. I was not disappointed. 

On the first night, I joined an evening walking tour of the city. I honestly don't remember where we walked; I only remember it was downtown and it was pretty. Various views of what I saw along the walk are below:


The highlight of this walking tour was a pub stop. I had heard that Czech beer is considered the best in the world, and until I can make it to Belgium, I'll stick with that statement. Our guide got us a room in the back of an old pub and entertainment was provided -- an accordion player (!!!). He played some wicked awesome tunes which sounded like polkas and sea shanties, and required a lot of listener participation (shouting "hey!" & the like). 

The wicked awesome sauce accordion player. 

Now, I am not a drinker and after 2010, I pretty much gave up alcohol. That said, I could not pass up the opportunity to try Czech beer. I ordered a dark stout (I think?). 

    How it started.                                             How it went: 

And the taste? It was GOOD. That night out was a celebration of our arrival in the Czech Republic and a great kick off to our tour. 

I hope you'll join me again to see more from the lovely city of Prague. 

Here is one last shot of the accordion guy who rocks the keys and bellows....(other tour group members' identities have been hidden for privacy). 

Next Post: 

Daytime scenes & views along the river from Prague. 

Interested in seeing roads less travelled? 

May I suggest a YouTuber who provides unique cultural insights into countries and neighborhoods that most haven't seen? 

Bald and Bankrupt - British guy, fluent in Russian, often travels in former Soviet countries. He calls Prague home when not on the road.