Since returning to Canada, there was one big thing I really wanted to do: go ice skating.
On the pond:
I used to figure skate as a child. I took my first lessons at age 3, and continued to study up to age 10. I learned how to ice dance, jump and spin. It was really, really fun and one of my favorite childhood memories.
Me! On skates!
We all headed out to Centennial Park to go ice skating on the frozen pond. It was a perfect sunny day. The combination of skating and enjoying the outdoors, was just fantastic. Should you ever visit Canada in the winter, skating outside is a must! ^_^
Changing room next to the outdoor pond:
View of some skaters:
Very Canadian: a mom pushing her baby stroller...on skates!
This is my favorite post. I can't help but smile when I see it. ^_^ *happy singing*