Thursday, December 5, 2013

弁天山 Benten Mountain, Tokyo

The typical image of Tokyo is high rise buildings, jam packed trains and people everywhere. Today, I'll prove Tokyo has some scenic, quieter areas.

An early morning departure and many transfers later, I arrived at Musashi-Masuko station. From Tokyo station, it takes about 1.5 hours (see: Google Map & Directions). Tucked at the bottom of Mt. Odake, the area is very rural, but it's still considered part of Tokyo!

cutenekko outside the station:

I was here to join a few members of a mountaineering club. Our hike for the day would be Mt. Benten; afterwards, we'd cook udon noodles outside. The weather was perfect for hiking: clear skies and no wind. As Japan is experiencing fall temperatures, we would also be able to view autumn colored leaves along the route.

From the station, it was a 15 minute walk to this river, which is a major landmark for the hiking trail.

Casting shadows: our small mountaineering group -- I'm waving, of course!

View of the river (I believe it's called 秋川 Aki-gawa = autumn river):

If you're interested in hiking in this area, just follow these green metal signs....

...or these smaller, wooden route markers. (Ability to read Japanese is a must)
Sign reads: Benten Yama 
This area has a lot of various trails and routes for all levels; if you are living in Tokyo, I recommend visiting Musashi-Masuko station area very much. Trail maps are available HERE.

Some famous 紅葉 momiji leaves (autumn leaves) seen along the route:  

Another signpost, pointing the way:

Our group paused here for a bit: a harvested rice field, which had been grown by elementary students living in the area. The rice was being dried in a traditional fashion:

A group member said: "Let's get a photo for your blog!" (laugh) 
Can you see the red temple gate in the background? 
This is just the beginning of the trail. I have a lot more photos to share, so please visit again tomorrow.

~ Information ~ 

Musashi-Masuko station is located north-west of Tokyo. Access: JR Itsukaichi line. From Tokyo, it takes about 1.5 hours. Cost: ¥1,000 ($10 - one way).

Benten Mountain trail information is HERE. A large PDF, printable map is HERE. (Japanese only)

The area has many camping, fishing and hiking spots. Visit this site for more info (Japanese only).

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