Friday, August 6, 2010

Ko Chang #3 - The boat

Trat airport is connected to mainland Thailand. In order to actually get to Ko Chang, you need to take a 30 minute ferry ride. The wait was 20 minutes, the ride 30; and from the port, it was still another 20 minute ride to the hotel. A bit of a journey!

The boat is a simple car / passenger type. It reminded me a lot of the old PEI ferries.


  1. Number 2 will come soon. Technical difficulties.

  2. I also miss the old PEI ferries. The bridge is functional, but the romance of the ferries is really lacking. Hope you had a good time. Hugs, Jeannie

  3. Hi Jeannie,
    I agree, traveling to PEI doesn't feel the same anymore now that the bridge is there.

    Those boats were fun. Even through the long line ups in the summertime, it was still a great way to get to the island.

    How's your new apartment ? ^_^

  4. Hi Sel,
    Once the unpacking is complete it will be great. I'm already loving having a kitchen to myself though. I've made fish and potaotes. (An island favourite) and a nice pot of barley soup. I will sure be happy to get all my paintings and photos and shelves up though. My Mom is coming to help me next Friday. I can't wait. How is your condo? I remember it was bombed. Are the repairs under way or finished? (((Hugs))) J.
