Monday, June 14, 2010

The Police Box

During the protests back in April, a police box was destroyed by fire at the end of our street.

The repair crews have been busy these past few weeks repairing it. Today, I noticed it looks almost finished.




  1. Hi Sweetie,
    Love the new layout. I'm glad that they are starting to rebuild. It is a bit cool and rainy here today in PEI. How are things coming in the Thai language classes? I am having a great amount of difficulty in finding a teaching job for September and am beginning to question why I ever did this degree. Hope that all is well with you. Hugs, Jeannie AKA Anna

  2. Hi Anna-Lise! I have to go to Thai class today. I switched from going everyday for 3 hours, to just twice a week for an hour and a half each session. More free time to explore the city now.

    Have you thought about teaching at an International school overseas? There are several Canadian curriculum schools in Japan (Osaka/ Tokyo). Also, does your university offer job seminars/ recruiting? I heard Queen's is really good at finding graduates jobs..

    I know a Canadian guy who taught in Singapore for 5 years, and now works in Moscow. He graduated from Queen's.

  3. Hi Sel :D I have thought about teaching internationally, but I have a five year old boy to help raise. He needs me. Also, people internationally are not so keen on French teachers as they are English teachers. I think that things will be fine here. If I don't get a teaching job I am looking into a Master's in Library Sciences. Love the nails btw. Hugs, Jeannie AKA Anna-Lise

  4. What a good person you are! Things always work out for good people like you -- it's Karma.

    Did you Thai people believe deeply in Karma? Good deeds bring good rewards.. You'll see. *^_~*
