Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wit and Wisdom for Canadians

As mentioned in an earlier post, I bought a book called "How to be a Canadian" by Will and Ian Ferguson. The guidebook is meant to be a satire of what is the "typical Canadian". After reading the first chapter, I have to share with you some of the book's gems.

On Economy:
"The main product manufactured in Canada is snow."

On Population:
"There are 30,000,000 people in Canada -- all of whom have, at some point, frozen their tongues to the side of a chainlink fence or flagpole. Even though their mothers told them not to."
(Yes, I have actually done this.)

What You've Learned So Far:
"If you want to appear Canadian, all you have to do is tuck a beaver under your arm and stroll allong humming the Hockey Night in Canada theme song."

If you are Canadian and enjoy poking fun at yourself, I highly recommend this book. I often find myself laughing out loud at the observations.


  1. Recently, I have seen a huge jump in the number of readers from Japan. I am really surprised, but would like to say:ありがとうね!and このブログは英語なのに、楽しみにして下さい。

  2. Quick update: I finished this book yesterday. There was a quiz at the back "How Canadian are you?" and I scored UNDER 40%!! Embarrassing or what?

  3. Thank you for Re-writing your Blog.
    I really enjoy it!

  4. Hi Nina,

    Thank you for your comments; I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying the blog entries.
    I'm sorry I'm not on Facebook, but you can always find me here. ^_^
    Come and visit Thailand sometime...we're not too far apart!
