Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Smart Illumination in Yokohama

On November third, I visited the Yokohama harbor area. There, in the evening, I happened to stumble upon an NGO event in the park next to Yokohama baseball stadium. This event was titled: "Smart Illumination", which highlighted efficient energy by using candles and LED lights to illuminate the grounds.

Some photos from the park can be seen below.

A heart made of large glass jars with candles inside:

Another display using simple glass jars and candles:

Close up of one decorative lantern:

The walking path -- lit with lanterns:

I also managed to see (but couldn't get photos, sorry!) of a group of runners, with LED lights attached, running from the Red Brick Warehouse to the International Port Terminal. It was equally fun to watch many Japanese people stop mid-walk to watch LED lit runners zooming past. ^_^ Bravo to the organizers for making Yokohama an entertaining and creative city.

Smart Illumination Yokohama took place from October 31 - November 4, 2012. English information and map is HERE. The Japanese site is HERE
Flickr member Spiraldelight took some great photos of the LED runners. See the photostream HERE. (highly recommended!)

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