Monday, July 8, 2013

Belgium Beer Weekend - Yokohama - Part 2

More photos from a weekend beer tasting event continue.....

The Belgium Beer Weekend was held in Yokohama's Yamashita Koen in mid May. I visited the park on May 18th and enjoyed live music, people watching and loads of beer (actually, I just looked, since I don't drink alcohol). ^_^

Here are some more photos from that event....

The beer taps. Most beers cost 3 tokens. 10 tokens = ¥3,000 ($30/ 1,000 baht) I can just hear my brother's thoughts: "mmmm.....beeeeerrrr." ^_^

A tent was set up selling brews to take home. Here, the table was loaded with imported beer and microbrews. Average costs were ¥400 ~ 600 per bottle. ($4~6/ 200 baht)

While enjoying the live music, two people came by handing out freebies. I got these Frisk packets, as the company was one of the sponsors of this event. Yay for free things! ^_^

After completing our walking tour of the beer festival, we headed over to Motomachi area and turned down a side street. While stolling along, I came across an interesting sign painted on the wall of a building...Secret Space??? Sounds very cool! My friend and I promised to visit and check it out in the near future.

The Belgium Beer Weekend Yokohama was held May 15~19 in Yamashita Park, near the waterfront. Website HERE. If you are in the Tokyo area, the next festival weekend will be held between September 6~16, 2013. Tickets available now online HERE.  Prost! (=cheers! in German)

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