Sunday, June 30, 2013

三社祭 Sanja Matsuri - Part 3

We continue this series of posts about a famous festival in Tokyo.....Part one is HERE. Part two is HERE.

The Sanja Matsuri began on Friday, with a parade in the streets near Asakusa in Tokyo. As we watched the parade file past, I later moved to the inner shrine of Sensoji, where the route would finish.
I managed to get a great spot in front of a walkway, where the parade participants marched past. Here are some photos from the day...please enjoy!

The red-wigged man again, close up this time:

My personal favorite -- the musicians and dancers: 

I also shot a video to give readers a sense of the quiet atmosphere on the first day of this festival. Very simple music, with people marching silently by -- it's a very solemn way to begin the three day festival. From day two onwards, the crowds become loud and jovial. I like this contrast very much. ^_^

The whole day had been quite hot so I rewarded myself with some ramune flavored ice cream. Cost? ¥200 ($2/ 80 baht). Ramune tastes similar to cream soda in Canada, so I really like the flavor.

I didn't brave the larger crowds on the second and final days of this festival; if you are curious and want to see more, visit HERE*, or just come to Tokyo in mid May to see it all in person! ^_^

* Video courtesy of Gustavo Thomas via Vimeo.

Sanja Matsuri is held in mid May every year. Location: Sensoji shrine and surrounding area in Asakusa Tokyo. Information is HERE. This event is completely FREE! ^_^

*** Special Message: 
July 1st is Canada Day. My home country celebrates its 146th birthday today. You can read more about celebrations in the country and around the world HERE

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