Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Trip to Izu - Part 1

The Izu Peninsula, created by volcanic activity over 4,000 years ago, juts out from the main island and is a part of Shizuoka prefecture (home of Mount Fuji). Izu is famed for its hot springs, fishing/ diving and beautiful, rugged scenery. I spent four days there, enjoying the baths, local beaches, hiking and fishing. Please enjoy the next few posts about this beautiful part of Japan.

All over Japan, one can find 道の駅 [mi-chi no eki = lit. translation is "road station"] in tourist areas. These are not actual train stations; instead, they are rest stops for drivers and tour buses. Michi no Eki houses restaurants, souvenir shops and some have interesting features. This one, called Marine Town, is located near the resort town of Ito and had an outdoor foot hot spring bath(!!), which was free to use.

Free foot bath:
On this day, a typhoon was passing offshore, so the bath was closed due to the weather.
A sign explained the condition of the water (temperatures between 38 ~ 42C) and how long one should rest their feet in the bath (15 ~ 20 minutes). I was disappointed I couldn't try out this service.

Marine Town had the look and feel of a New England fishing village. The marina was home to many sailboats and yachts; the wharf looked like a scene from Jaws (before the shark terrorizes everyone).

Marine Town's wharf, with shops and restaurants on the right:
 A typical tourist activity in this area is taking a sightseeing cruise. Cruises last about 30 minutes and travel along the shoreline; the cost is usually ¥1,800 per person ($18). We couldn't do this due to the high waves from the typhoon.

We finally arrived at our hotel for the next four days, Hotel Ambient. After a quick check in, we had reserved the hotel's French course dinner; the rest of our stay would be without meals. Chef Takahashi created the French cuisine for this hotel; I have never eaten anything as delicious. If you come to this hotel, do so just for the dinner!!

The dining room:
It reminded me of a Swiss ski resort....and we were the only two in the dining room. o_O

Appetizer -- katsuo fish and beef:

Potato and carrot cream soup:

Main dish -- grilled chicken:

Bonus plate -- foie gras! 

Dessert was interesting and I still haven't gotten the taste out of my mouth -- apple and pear sherbet with raspberry sauce: 

My friend and I both agreed -- that was the best dinner we had ever eaten. The hotel itself is a little old and dated, but the food? Something to experience; you won't be disappointed.

The following day, we hiked up a volcano and enjoyed 360 degree ocean views. Check back tomorrow to see pictures. ^_^

If you are driving Japan, a guide to the many 道の駅 [Road Station] can be found HERE. The one featured in this article is HERE

Hotel Ambient Izu Kogen is located outside of Ito city, in Izu. It features three unique types of rooms: regular hotel rooms, a "dog okay" hotel (separated from the main hotel) and cottages. On Trip Advisor, HERE. The hotel's main site is HERE. Regular fees are: 1 night, with 2 meals, from ¥10,000 ($100) per person. Price includes use of the hotel's natural, outdoor hot spring bath. 

Japan Guide's site on Izu is HERE, but a warning: their suggestions are very touristy. Expect high prices. 

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