Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Trip to Izu - Part 3

The series on travels in Japan's Izu Peninsula, continue. Part one is HERE. Part two is HERE

In the afternoon, after enjoying Mount Omuro, we drove to the Jogasaki coast, parked the car east of Izu Kogen and changed to hiking boots. We would challenge part of the 12 kilometer hiking trail along the coast; a suspension bridge being our final destination near the trail's end. The hike turned out to be a Hitchcock remake of "The Birds" with various animals standing in for the black crows....

Upon reaching the trail head, a cat appeared. Then another, and another. Some meowed, hoping for food, while others followed us. It was really creepy.

The stalking cats....

If the stalking kitties weren't enough, the trail head also had another ominous sign:
[su zu mi ba chi - go chu ee]
[= Beware of hornets]

A sign warned hikers to be very quiet, as the hornets are sensitive to noise, and not to venture off the trail.

The interior of the trail...

Quiet steps were rewarded with coastal views like this:

We hiked this trail for approximately an hour and a half, before reaching a temple. We took a rest here, and I snapped a photo of this dragon lantern:

It was getting dark, and the map said we still had another 2 hours to reach our final destination. We made the decision to hike (via the road) back to our car and drive to the next stop -- a suspension bridge, at Kadowakizaki Point.

Entrance sign to the bridge:

View looking down from the bridge:

View from the opposite side of the suspension bridge:

On the far end of the bridge, a hiking trail continues along the coast. This trail is much easier to walk, as it is paved in many areas. The views are spectacular and a "must do" when in Izu.

The trail: 

Beautiful tree:

In addition to the scenic views, you can also find remains of an old cannon from the Edo period, some rest areas, a simple restaurant and a temple along the route. Hiking the Jogasaki coast in Izu should be on your itinerary if visiting the area.

Tomorrow, I'll share photos from the many beaches in Izu. See you then! ^_^

Jogasaki coastal hiking trail information is HERE. The full trail is 12 km long. 
Be aware there are few toilets and water fountains along this trail. Dress for windy conditions, carry water and some snacks. From the bridge, going North, the trail is easy and can be done in sneakers. If hiking south from the bridge, you will need proper hiking shoes as the trail is rocky in many areas. 

A fellow blogger completed part of the trail and took lots of photos. Please enjoy! (via Ekaya Solutions) 

Parking is available at Kadowakizaki Point Suspension bridge. Cost ¥500 for one day ($5). You can also catch a sightseeing boat a short walk from the parking area. (30 minute tours start at ¥1300). 

THIS SITE shows more photos and explains (in Japanese) about the hiking trail at Jogasaki. (via Ito Tourism)

This "Welcome to Izu" website offers lots of information about the area's tourist spots, nature trails and hot springs. 

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