Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oono Mountain - Part 3

A fun hike up this mountain in western Kanagawa, continues. 
Part 1 is HERE. Part 2 is HERE

After lunch, we headed up to the true summit of Mount Oono.  Oono mountain rises 723.1 meters. Our hiking group got a photo at the summit marker:

Mount Fuji can be seen in the background, far left.

I found out where the woodworker often carves his little animals. In the forest, just below the summit, I found lots of half finished works:

The trail down was quite beautiful, but a little slippery in some spots. We passed over one bridge and many fallen leaves:

At the base of the mountain, I was surprised to see tea fields. Usually, tea is grown in Shizuoka, the prefecture next to Kanagawa.

For those without a car like me, there is a bus to the base of Mt.Oono, but beware: it only comes twice a day! o_O
The sign reads: "Fujikyu Shonan Bus. Tsuburano Entrance"
The bus times are:
09.22 & 10.22 | 09.10 & 10.10

At a cafe, advertising for hikers to "come in a take a rest", was this bunny. Cute eh? ^_^

Even Yamakita station continues the theme of wood carvings. As you can see from the entrance, lots of wood frame the opening.
From this station, you can walk about 15 ~ 20 minutes to the base of Mount Oono:

Across from the above station, our group stopped inside a local shop for drinks. I ordered a tall, cold one to celebrate the end of the hike:

This was given to our group -- free -- by the proprietor of the shop: pressed senbei (rice crackers). The taste was similar to a gingerbread cookie. ^_^

Next week, I'll go on another day hike, so be sure to check back then to see lots of photos. ^_^

~ Information ~ 

Mount Oono is located in Western Kanagawa, near the boarder to Shizuoka. It's directly south of Hakone and Lake Tanzawa, so if you stay for a few days, you can enjoy many lovely sightseeing spots in this area. Google map is HERE

Hiking course information is HERE. (Japanese only)

From Yokohama
JR Tokaido line to Kozu, change to JR Gotemba and get off at Yaga station. Cost: ¥1,100 one way ($11) 

From Tokyo
JR Shinkansen line to Odawara, change to Odakyu Line going to Shin Matsuda. Change again to JR Gotemba line getting off at Yaga station. Cost: ¥3,840 one way ($34.80) Travel time: about 1 hour, 20 minutes.

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