Friday, October 16, 2020

Salmon Arm, BC - Part 2

 Part 2 -  Hiking the Margret Falls Trail

Skipping ahead a few days into my trip to Salmon Arm, I went hiking in a provincial park up the road about 10 minutes. According to Hike Kamloops (LINK), Margret Falls was a recommended hike due to its simplicity and ease of access. For those who like maps, here you go:


(via Google Maps)

Margret Falls is located inside Herald Provincial Park, which hugs the coastline of Shuswap Lake (LINK). It's a beautiful drive to the park too, as the road winds itself along the lake shore. 

There is a parking lot off to the left of the road upon entering the park; space is limited, so it's advised to arrive early (before 10 AM). The parking lot has signage showing the way to the trail head and there is a wheelchair accessible loo too.

Trail head at the start of the Margret Falls hike. It's dog friendly!

At the time of writing, COVID-19 was still an issue in BC, so it's recommended to allow 6 feet (2 meters) in between hikers and to wear a mask, as some parts of the trail are narrow and you'll likely have to pass others in close proximity.

The trail features a few wooden bridges as you cross the river.

Along one point along the river, many people have left rock stacks. To read more about this practice, click HERE (via Online Camera Ed).

Rock stacks.

This trail is not long (about 1.01km out and back) so it can be completed in less than 30 minutes. We spent some time on our hike taking photos along the route, adding a stack of rocks and spending moments at the waterfall before heading back. 

Rock stack completed by my hiking partner, Trijunkie123. 

Margret Falls - viewing the top.

The trail on the way back.

As this trail was shorter than we thought, we decided to add another hike to our schedule on this day. Visit again for Part 3 where I'll show photos from a more difficult hike within Herald Provincial Park.

Next post: Salmon Arm, BC. Part 3 - Hiking the Upper Canyon Trail.



Online Camera Ed. (2016, August 26). Rock stacking [web post]. Digital Photography College. URL

Hike Kamloops. (2020). Margret falls [web post]. CanWeb Promotions. URL.

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