Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bus Trip - Part 5

...the final installment of a bus trip to Osaka and Nagoya, continues. 

My friend wasn't busy, so the next morning, we headed out to a local cafe to enjoy breakfast. In Aichi and Gifu prefectures, cafes are often open in the morning and sell what is called a "morning set". It's a standard breakfast with coffee or tea.

We looked over the regular menu, but voted to just eat the normal "morning set".


A traditional "morning set":

Unlike Western style breakfasts, in which you can select the foods to eat, morning sets in Japan are finalized -- you get what the restaurant serves. Luckily, these are all my favorite things: yogurt, salad, an egg and toast.

There is nothing like enjoying a slow morning over breakfast with a friend. Before saying good bye, we asked the shop lady if she would take our photo....

I then headed to Nagoya station to catch the bus. This time, I rode a double decker bus, sitting up top where I enjoyed the view all the way home.

The bus home:

I really enjoyed this trip. Visiting spots by bus is a cheap alternative for those interested in traveling in Japan. I highly recommend it.

There are a variety of long distance bus companies in Japan. I used JR Highway bus. Website HERE. Another recommended company is: Willer Express (site HERE). More information about long distance bus travel in Japan is HERE.

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