Monday, September 24, 2012

Japanese Summer Drink

One of my students recently told me about a new drink, which has become popular at Japanese pubs. Apparently, the sweet taste is a favorite among women.

What makes this drink unique is that it uses a well known frozen treat called "gari gari kun".
Japanese ice candy: Gari Gari Kun
Here is the recipe:

1 gari gari kun (soda flavor)
sparkling cider
whiskey (optional)

This drink seemed really fun, so I went off to the local 7-11 to buy the ingredients and make it myself (minus the alcohol).

My soda and glass... one gari gari kun....
...and add to the glass. Voila! C'est fin!
So how about the taste? Well, it was very sweet! I stirred the gari gari kun around to melt it down. The taste was similar to cream soda in Canada. I think it would taste better with the whiskey. (laugh)

I'd like to hear some unusual drinks from my readers. Got any to share..?

*** I've been pretty busy lately and have a lot of travel news to share with readers. Tomorrow, I'll post the first installment of a mountain climb. 1,252 meters (about 4,000 feet!) 

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