Tuesday, September 11, 2012

River Fishing in Kanagawa

My fishing buddy took a half day off work one Friday and invited me out to try some river fishing. We headed out to a very local spot in Kanagawa for an afternoon of fun.

The place was breathtaking! A large waterfall dominated the view, with the river following lazily down the slope....

We experimented in various locations along the river, until my friend figured out the secret to catching the fish. From then on, we enjoy catching ます, [ma-su], trout. ^_^

Waiting for a bite.....

Oh! I got a hit! Woo! 

Oh no! I lost him....

After catching, and accidentally releasing my first trout of the day, my fishing friend made it up to me--quickly catching another one. 

The first catch:

My fishing buddy is quite the pro, as we ended up catching six fish. After all that work, we headed back to his mom's place, where she cooked us up a big dinner, including the trout.

The fabulous dinner:
My butter fried trout, before.....
....and after! ^_^ T'was super yummy!

Fishing in Kanagawa is quite a popular pastime. Due to the large number of rivers and close proximity to the ocean, I often see people fishing on weekends. I wish I could share the fishing spot with my readers, but my friend taught me a new word: 穴場 [an-na-ba], which means "a secret spot". His specific request was: "Don't put the location of this river on your blog!" Hahaha. Okay will do.

Depending on the location, you may need to buy a permit to fish along rivers. A half day pass costs about ¥2,500 ~ ¥3,000 ($25~30/ 800~900 Baht).

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