Friday, September 24, 2010

Thailand Cultural Center

Last night, I went to this center to see a ballet performance. It was my first time to visit, so I made sure to take lots of pictures.

I found out there is a free shuttle from the MRT station to the venue. There was some confusion at first, because the "bus" was really a plain, white passenger van. You have to watch for the driver to come out and hold up a poster of the event, before you realize that's the "bus" that is listed on websites. The free shuttle can be caught from Exit 1 at Thailand Cultural Center MRT station.

An example of the shuttle bus:

The center itself was built by a grant from the Japanese government, and it shows. The inside of the theater is EXACTLY the same as a Japanese theater -- small seats, a large, embroidered curtain and two side stages. I could not take any photos during the ballet itself, but I took a picture of the theater during the intermission:

Inside the theater:

Outside the theater, there was a beautiful temple, along with large gardens and koi ponds. The grounds are worth exploring on their own.

The temple on the center grounds:

I will go back in October to see a contemporary dance troupe from Holland perform.

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