Monday, March 19, 2012

Cha Am Beach #2

Final post regarding an overnight trip to this beach resort area....

Cha Am beach is much quieter than other Thai beaches. It seems quite undeveloped, which is nice, as most beach resorts these days are filled with high rise towers. Next to our hotel for example, was a huge field...
All that undeveloped land....
I had rented a private car with driver. The return trip back was quite fun, as I could chat in Thai. The driver laughed at my obsession with my camera. I took many photos while we drove!

On the road....

Outside of Cha Am area....

When we returned to Bangkok, the driver took us over a bridge and slowed the car down so I could get some shots. We chatted in Thai remarking how beautiful the city looks from the rivers and canals....

Nice view, no? ^_^
Cha Am is an easy 2.5 hour drive from Bangkok. The resort in the previous post was: Grand Pacific Sovereign Resort & Spa. Website HERE. The resort has a shuttle bus to Hua Hin (200 B?) and Cha Am downtown. (70 B?) 

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