Thursday, March 29, 2012

ガンダム!| Gundam in Bangkok

Between March 7 ~ 11, 2012, there was a special Gundam exhibition at Terminal 21 in Bangkok. (BTS Asoke). I paid a visit and took numerous photos for anime fans. Please enjoy!

Main Display:

Original Gundam! (about 140cm tall)

There was a table set up of amateur "gunpla" -- plastic models of Gundam characters. All entries were Thai, but I was really impressed with some and took photos of the best.

Table full of Gunpla:

Ready for launch:

Nice action! 

They look like Charlie's Gundam Angels (laugh):

I enjoyed walking around the display area. There were tons of gunpla in glass this one. I don't want to know the cost... @_@

This exhibition also featured manga, character goods, etc, but again, gunpla was the main attraction. I found a huge box...


And then noticed the price..yes, that does say 21,000 baht! (=¥60,000 / $600)

I was looking around for my boyfriend (Char and/or Garuma -- depends on my mood.LOL) but all I could find was this...
I am disappoint:
height: about 130~140 cm.

The piece d'resistance was a huge, 3~5 meter? tall Gundam. It's not the towering Gundam that graces Odaiba in Tokyo, but I was still impressed. I wondered only this: "How many parts did the kit come with?" (laugh)

Pretty cool, eh? If only Char were there, this exhibition would have been perfect! ^_^


  1. OK - who's the guy??? Details please. E-mail me when you can!!! Hugs!!!

  2. Bonjour Anna-Lise -- the guy? Haha. My boyfriend = a cartoon character! He's on my phone...I'll send you a pic via email then. ^_^

  3. Bahahaha! OMG - Epic Fail on my part as my kids would say. LOL I miss you and hope we can chat soon. I am trying to move, so I don't have internet access at my place at the moment. I'll e-mail you from school and let you know some more updates. Cheers, AL

  4. worries Anna-Lise. It's my epic fail too ...I'm in love with a cartoon!! How sad is that??? (laugh)

    You're moving? Wow, me too. ^_^ I'm not for a while yet though. I'll let you know.

    I really want to chat with you on Skype's been too long.

    Did you enjoy your March break? I heard there's snow over there -- even in April!
