Monday, June 25, 2012

Sayonara Thailand -- Part 2

The day had finally arrived for my departure from the Land of Smiles. I had mixed feelings about leaving. On one hand, Thailand had been very therapeutic -- one could enjoy the warmth, flair and activities of the city on a limited budget, on the other hand, I really missed Japanese food and the exciting offer of trying something new and unknown.

My flight left so early in the morning, I was quite sad to not be able to say goodbye to my condo's security guards. They were always so kind to me!

I took photos to commemorate my final flight...

On the ground:

Take off....enjoying all that green!

In the air...the last view before entering clouds:
Thank you Thailand for a fun 2 years. ^_^
As the flight wore on, I got anxious and excited....and injured. When our planed pulled into the gate at Narita airport outside of Tokyo, a guy dropped his bag on my head while opening the overhead bin. OW!! It was not exactly the よこそ日本へ![Welcome to Japan!] I had hoped for. (laugh)

I soon experienced my first shock -- the temperature. [>_<] Significantly lower than the 34 C I enjoyed daily in Bangkok....Brr!!

After submitted my customs forms to the moving company counter, I had about 30 minutes to wait for my bus. A friend had promised to pick me up with my mountains of luggage. Cheers for all the kind friends in the world! ^_^

Waiting (and freezing!) at the bus stop:

Another adventure was set to begin... my second life in Japan. I hope readers will enjoy more sights and scenes from Asia.

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