Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sayonara Thailand!

After my brother and his girlfriend returned to Canada, I had a few weeks to pack up for my next adventure -- I was moving back to Japan.

My girlfriends in Bangkok organized a small home party, as a way to say goodbye before leaving. It was held at my Thai friend's house, which was really nicely decorated! Take a look:

Her living room:

Entertainment Center:

She ordered food from a famous chef who works for an expensive hotel in the city. The result was a table full of delicious food! (The photo only shows half of the dishes...)

It was really good to catch up with my girlfriends and enjoy one final send-off. We laughed and chatted about our various experiences with boys....two girlfriends dated the same guy on the same day!! (laugh) Ah, Bangkok, you are never dull. ^_^

We gathered for a final photo together. It's interesting to note all the nationalities represented here: a Thai, a Kenyan, a Brit and one Canuck. ^_^ I will definitely miss the international flair of the city. This photo makes me laugh though; after taking it, a friend commented: "We look like a bunch of merkats!" Hahaha!

***Special Thank You***
To my friends, Bionic, A and G -- thank you for a great party. I had so much fun. Now, when are you coming to Japan? ^_^

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