Monday, August 6, 2012

厚着鮎祭り Atsugi Ayu Festival

August 4 and 5, Atsugi city in central Kanagawa played host to the an "Ayu" summer festival. Ayu is the name of a river fish. The river is a central point surrounding the city of Atsugi.

I was invited to my friend's mother's house to enjoy a barbecue and view the 1.5 hour long fireworks, the highlight of this summer festival. It was really fun!

We barbecued chicken...

And enjoyed the fireworks....

I took a video for readers to enjoy. These fireworks were really great. Japanese fireworks are very different than in Canada. In my home country, we usually just shoot them one by one. In Japan, they use many fireworks at once.

Atsugi AYU summer festival information is HERE. Information regarding other festivals and events can also be found on the same page. 

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