Friday, August 17, 2012

Miyagase Dam - Part 2

...a day trip to this dam in the middle of Kanagawa prefecture, continues. 

After walking from the car park, we arrived at the main gate to Miyagase Dam. My friend took this photo at the welcome sign:

We studied the map of the area; there were so many things to see and do. As we had limited time, we decided to view the dam, look out point and a waterfall. We also agreed to come back again another day to travel to more locations and sightseeing spots at this location.

Map #1 (click to view details):

Map #2 (click to view details):

There are two ways to get to the bottom of the dam -- via cable car or an elevator. As the elevator was free, we took that. 

Cable car:
Before heading down, you could enjoy views all the way to Yokohama from the top of the dam! I could easily see the Landmark Tower from this point. 

Yokohama is way in the back there....

The elevator showed via a display, the depths we would travel. My ears popped due the difference in air pressure!

Elevator depth: 

Once reaching the bottom, vistors must walk through a tunnel before emerging outside. This tunnel is great on a hot summer day; the inside was a cool 18 C! Near the elevator entrance, we even noticed some ice crystals on the ceiling. 

The tunnel:

Outside, I could get a great photo of the entire dam: 
I found a unique sign that compares the size of the dam to many famous landmarks in Japan -- Tokyo Dome and Tokyo Tower, for example. 

Information sign:
Click to read the details
Please check again tomorrow for more photos from Miyagase Dam.

Miyagase Dam is located in central Kanagawa. Admission is free. Access: Take the Odakyu line to Hon Atsugi station. Change to the Kanachu bus No. 5 to Miyagase. You can walk to the dam from that stop. Miyagase Dam's Wiki page is HERE

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