Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sukhothai's Chocolate Buffet (Part 3)

Photos from this incredible buffet continue...

As mentioned earlier, (see: April 13th), Sukhothai's chocolate buffet offers more than just chocolate. Here are more delicious delicacies:

Finger sandwiches:

Selections included: lobster pate(!!), smoked salmon, tuna, Thai sausage, egg, grilled vegetables, ham, cheese.


Fresh fruit (sorry, no pictures).
Fruit offered: pomelo, watermelon, pineapple, melon, dragon fruit.

When you near the end of the buffet, the staff bring blackberry scones with fresh whipped butter and raspberry jam. Yum!

Sukhothai's Chocolate buffet runs every Friday~Sunday from 14.00 ~ 17.30. Price: 800 Baht per person. Reservations required. Click HERE for more information.


  1. Ok. I REALLY want to come visit you in Thailand and have you take me to this buffet. :-P

    - Gen

  2. (laughing) Okay. I would be happy to take you. Gives me a great reason to visit again. ^_^ Thanks for your comment Gen.

    Now, when can you come? ^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^
