Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thaan Cafe (part 2)

As mentioned yesterday, Thaan Cafe has an extensive tea menu. My friend and I love tea, so we took advantage of what the cafe had to offer and ordered twice!

My first selection: Cold lemongrass and mint tea

My second selection: Hot vanilla & ginger tea, with coconut & green tea cake:

My friend's cafe latte & fruit tarte:

And she took this picture! Bravo! ^_^

This cafe also has "Rice Grass Green Tea". I have yet to try this drink, but will give it a go someday soon. I took a picture, which details the health benefits of this drink:

Click the photo above to read the details.

Thaan Cafe is located on the 2F of Gaysorn Plaza. Average prices for a main dish: 150 - 220 baht (=$3~$6). Drinks are: 90~120 baht (=$1.27 ~ $3). Sweets are: 125 baht (=$3). There is a flat service charge of 125 baht.

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