Tuesday, January 24, 2012

BLT Themes

Sorry to have kept you waiting...I've finally pushed myself to write a new post.

A few weeks ago, a friend asked to meet me on the weekend. Usually, I keep the weekends as "me" time,  spending time alone to refresh myself, but I made an exception for her. She surprised me in the lobby of my condo by bringing a friend -- whom I had met at the ex-pat Xmas party. ^_^

I took my two friends to a local cafe where we ordered BLT themed food:

BLT sandwich...

..and a BLT pizza!?!?

One friend had some big news to share..she's in love! ^_^ We talked endlessly about her new boyfriend, relationships in general and why people always seem to know about me before they even meet me. My friends = always talking / telling other people about me. Whoo! I'm famous in Thailand, I guess. (laugh)

My friend had a really cute hairstyle on this day....so of course, I asked her for a photo:
It's cute, no? ^_^
My friends also teased me about my blog, saying: "It's so easy to see your personality through your blog. Your blog is cute, and you're cute...your blog is exactly who you are in real life." Really? ^_^

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