Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Eve

My girlfriend requested to go out on New Year's eve to see the fireworks. Although I was working on this day, I could finish up around 22.00, so we met at Chitlom station and walked to Rajaprasong, where a huge block party was being held.

The first thing I noticed while walking -- there were a TON of scooters parked all over the sidewalk. It was like a live version of Tetris!


I headed up to the BTS station to get a better overall view...The end of my street was full of cops and people walking to the party...

We ran into a group of people dressed up in a variety of costumes. I asked in Thai for a photo, but the lady didn't seem to speak any Thai...I think she was Chinese?

Cleopatra and Cutenekko:

This one is for my mom, who is a big Elvis fan! Thai-Elvis!!
He's much shorter in real life, eh? 
Once we got to the square, we settled in to wait for the fireworks. I got a photo of the sign over the Skywalk:
I love the blue lights! ^_^

While watching the fireworks, my friend and I noticed a super love-love gay couple in front of us. They were really cute, hugging and kissing each other. I thought it was sweet, so I took a photo. After all, this is something you NEVER see in Japan!
Boy's love...awww.....^_^

A Japanese friend said: "You have gay friends???" I have lots of friends--and their sexual orientation means nothing to me. A friend is a friend. ^_^
(For those who may not know: Thailand is a great destination for same-sex couples. Thais are extremely open regarding one's sexuality.)

Last year wasn't very good for I mentioned before, I had a really bad breakup. But from June on, it was pretty good; December was the best! Now, I feel super happy. For those reasons, I think 2012 is going to be the best year ever. ^_^ I am really looking forward to it.

Adventures, fun and laughter will be my personal themes for this year. Woo!! (^_^)/

Readers, what's your theme for 2012?

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