Monday, January 2, 2012

Girl's Night Out

A friend of mine, who has been crazy busy working, sent me a text message saying:
"I didn't get a chance to talk to you at the party...let's go out!" 

So, I cleared my Thursday schedule and the two of us hit the town for a wild (actually, pretty tame) and crazy (that would be me) time.

First, we ate. While eating and chatting, I noticed my friend had a gorgeous piece of jewelry on her finger. I asked if I could take a photo...

It's beautiful no? She got it in Dubai, at the gold market. I love pearls, as they remind me of the ocean. I made a mental note: visit Dubai, get pearl ring, give to my mother. ^_^

After finishing, I asked my friend if she wanted to hang out more as it was still early. She said: "Sure, but let me go pray first." Did you know, in many BKK department stores, there are prayer rooms for Muslims? Bangkok is so cool, no?
I had never been before, so I asked my friend if it would be okay to take some photos. Here are some from the waiting area...

Lobby & Art:

Entrance/locker area looking towards the male prayer room:

I really admired my friend's devotion. ^_^

I took her to a café where we sat outside to enjoy the nice 'December-in-Bangkok' weather. I needed a drink. I was so thirsty, I ordered two! The waiter thought I was nuts. (laugh) My friend said: "I have to get a photo of you and your huge drinks!!!" Here is the photo:
Giant Cutenekko!!

Note to readers: The drinks were non-alcoholic. One was a strawberry soda, and the other was an apple ice tea. See? I'm a good girl! ^_^

It was so much fun chatting and laughing with my friend. We both agreed: Bangkok is a pretty fun place to live. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Awww...I was chatting with my mother this morning; she said she laughed and laughed at my video and photo of giant cutenekko.

    Yay! I love making people's my second career. ^_^
