Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ex Pat Christmas Party

A friend from the UK organized a big traditional Xmas feast at a retired teacher's house. 10 ex-pats living in Bangkok gathered on Christmas Day to enjoy a meal of turkey, stuffing, potatoes..even pumpkin pie!

I took many photos of this special day...

The coffee table filled with light snacks:

The dining table and tree:

A "garland of happiness" -- traditional Thai ornament:

All the delicious food -- which was ordered in from a restaurant!

My plate:

My friends teased me when I decided to sit on the floor and eat, saying:
"You're practically Japanese, so yes, you should sit on the floor!" (laugh)
My friends are funny/cute/know me very well. ^_^

cutenekko on the floor:

My friend teased me after taking this picture, saying:
"You look like you have no friends! Sitting all by yourself!" (laugh)
A Thai friend joined me on the floor too, after this photo was I wasn't lonely! ^_^

I really enjoyed mingling and meeting new people. About half the guests I met for the first time at this party, so I made a point to chat with them. Believe it or not, I used to be a very, very shy nekko. Really! I've changed my past behavior and am an "extreme extrovert" now. I talk to everybody!! ^_^
I like the extrovert-version of cutenekko very much.

Party guests:

Two more guests:

This party was a smashing success. My UK friend did a great job. We already asked her to plan another party soon! ^_^

**Special Bonus**
To my Japanese readers:
To my Thai friends:
To my Canadian, German, & international friends:
A very Happy New Year! May 2012 bring you happiness and good health. ^_^

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