Wednesday, December 21, 2011

冬のソナタ東京#7 | Winter Sonata Tokyo

I had made so many appointments to meet friends, this was the first day to myself! One of my students had recommended to check out 中野[Na-ka-no] area, as a potential place to live. So, I went. ^_^

At the station, I took a picture of the map, which I thought might be useful while walking around. It wasn't...I still got lost! (laugh) I am such a girl...^_^

While wondering around I headed down a little side street and found this:

...a soba shop!!!! Soba translates as "buckwheat noodles" and these are my favorite. How to make cutenekko happy? Take her to a soba shop. Really, it's that simple. (laugh)

The menu was really hard to read, so I just asked in Japanese:
[What is the recommendation of the shop owner? I want to eat veggies and hot soba.] 

First reaction: The lady looked VERY relieved that I could speak Japanese. Second reaction: She spoke a LOT of Japanese in a flurry to me! I had a hard time keeping up. She was so cute. ^_^ She asked about my budget and I said, "For today, no budget!" So, we agreed on two things...

天ぷら! [Tempura -- deep fried veggies in a light batter]

... and hot soba. ^_^ Holy sheep. It was so good. I was in heaven! 

I also drank soba tea:

While sitting, I read through a るるぶ magazine about Nakano area, and enjoyed looking at all the soba making tools from the kitchen:

Last week, I was chatting with my ramen friend from Kanagawa and we argued over where the best soba shop is in the Kanto area. My friend said: "Oh, the best one is in Chiba. I'll take you." I said: "No way. The best soba is in Nakano. We'll go to both shops, and have a battle over which is best!" Hahaha.

 I am already looking forward to the soba battle blog post...^_^

Nakano is *almost* as good as Ochanomizu in Tokyo. Please visit! To get there: Tokyo Metro Tozei line to the last station, Nakano. Station info HERE. (日本語 & English). Nakano City office info HERE.  (日本語 & English) Nakano Broadway is recommended to visit while there. It's the place for shopping...especially if you love Japanese anime and models. Website HERE. [日本語だけ]

ATT bmさん:
The Maruzen in Ochanomizu is HERE. Enjoy.


  1. I really want to know where the best soba shop is in Kanto!

  2. (laugh) The best soba shop is in Nakano. Go to Nakano broadway and just before entering, go right, down a narrow side street. The soba shop is there. ^_^ You can't miss it!

  3. No 'should try'. You MUST try. ^_^

    If I move to Nakano, I think I will visit once a week... (laugh)

    Cats love soba. This is a well known fact. ^_^

  4. And here is the website of the best soba shop in Kanto:

    All my readers in the Kanto area -- let's meet here and have a soba party!! ^_^/ YAY!

    (Special thanks to my blog fan from Shinagawa who located the shop's link.)
