Friday, December 30, 2011

My first home party

The title of this post sounds like a children's book: "My first day at school" or "My first bicycle". Haha.
Back in early December, I had attended a home party for fellow Toastmaster members and it was really fun. It got me thinking: why don't I do the same? ^_^

I invited 12 people, but in the end, only a few could attend. Oh well. Despite being small, my group of friends and I had a great time chatting and eating.

I made apple pie...

...and a veggie platter with Hummus dip. (my mom's suggestion, thanks mom!)

Due to the party being held just before Xmas, I bought candy canes too...

My friends all brought some food too--pizza, chicken, vegetables...The little coffee table in my living room was transformed into this...

My friends are all quite funny, so I really enjoyed the evening. ^_^

Home parties are not so common in Japan, due to the limited room in one's home; despite that, I am still planning on hosting some parties after moving there. I like having friends over to eat, drink and laugh. As the majority of my blog readers are Japanese, I wonder, will you come over? I can meet some more blog fans! ^_^


  1. Your apple pie looks delicious! Of course, I'd like to go to your home party in Japan, so please invite me! Hope to have a Happy New Year!!

  2. Hi Takao,

    Thank you. The pie didn't have enough sugar in it I was disappointed. Apple pie should be a little sweet.

    Have a Happy New Year.
