Monday, December 26, 2011

冬のソナタ東京 #10 | Winter Sonata Tokyo

I had to head back home early in the morning, so I took the new Skyliner train from Ueno station to Narita airport.

As I love trains, I wanted to try it out for the first time. The cost was much cheaper than taking the bus too -- about half price!!

The inside was really neat:

The view from my seat to the station platform:

After departing, I enjoyed the nice views of the city...

At Narita, I decided suddenly to get myself a Christmas present. I picked up a new bag. Everyone who knows my elephant bag, always comments on how big it is. *sigh* I love my big elephant bag. But okay, I probably should have a smaller bag, something for traveling lightly. My elephant now has a new traveling partner... happy color. ^_^

When we arrived in Bangkok, I was surprised how cool it was. My driver said it had rained earlier in the day, making the air cool. My elephant and I stretched out in the back seat for the journey home...

Culture point: In Thailand, which is a largely Buddhist nation, many drivers will have these medallions or charms hanging from the rear view mirror to ward off accidents, protect their car, for driving safely, etc. I like the sound they make while a small tinkling bell.

During this Winter Sonata trip, I realized -- Tokyo is my kinda place. I like the opportunities the city presents and the smart people living there, who have had international experiences (like myself).
I also like being around people who push me to do difficult things,  people who are busy, people I can learn from. Tokyo is a lot like Bangkok -- many unusual people -- somewhat nomadic, unable to feel completely settled...always looking for the next challenge.
That's me too.  2012 should be fun. Let's go! ^_^/

The Keisei Skyliner train travels between Ueno and Nippori stations to Narita airport. English info HERE. 日本ん語 information ここ。In Bangkok, I always hire a private car & driver to pick me up at the airport. The service is 900 baht. Website and bookings HERE


  1. Ah Tokyo ~ when can I come back? ^_^

    **private message to Corgi**
    You're coming next time!! I will drag you everywhere!

  2. Yes I will! You can drag me everywhere!

  3. Yay! ^_^/ I need another crazy person to travel + me = cr-a-zy!

    We MUST go to the ghost house at Fuji Q!!!! This will be our first destination.
