Monday, December 5, 2011

Potluck Home Party

Lately, I've become a bit of a social butterfly. I'm not sure why or how it happened, but I keep getting invited out to parties and other events.

This one was for Toastmasters members who usually meet up every Friday evening. We spent time eating and drinking at a member's home.

It was a "pot luck" party, so everyone had to bring some food...

The table view left...

...and right.

There was even a tall Christmas tree, which made me feel a little homesick...
I enjoyed some red wine produced in Thailand too...yum!
A woman brought an unusual snack from China. Can you guess what it is...??
(answer: ginseng!)

I enjoyed lots of delicious food. Here's a view of my first plate....

...and my second. You can see the dish I prepared for the party: apple pie! ^_^

I enjoyed chatting with my friends and listening to stories. We had a "joke telling time", and I listened to a really funny one from a Thai guy. Here it is:

Man: "I got into an argument with my wife and she ran away. I ran after her and when I caught up to her, I gave her a big hug."
Friend: "If you were fighting with your wife, why did you hug her?"
Man: "If I didn't hug her, she would have gotten the gun!"
(laugh) I really like this joke. ^_^


  1. Having a party is one of the greatest ways to make new friends and exchange information! Hope more Japanese (including me) have a chance to attend a party insted of working till late at night. They miss great opprtunity.

  2. Hi Takao,

    I agree. Parties are great ways to meet new people and get information.

    I used to hold dinner parties in my apartment when I lived in Nagoya. We would eat, chat and then play board games after. Very fun. ^_^

    Hey! I heard there are International Parties in Tokyo -- you can meet lots of English speakers there. Will you try? I think I will. ^_^
