Thursday, December 15, 2011

冬のソナタ 東京! #1 | Winter Sonata Tokyo

Korean dramas are hugely popular in Japan. Winter Sonata, a romantic drama, was the first to ignite this boom in Japan. I thought it might be fun to write my own sonata, while spending the winter in Tokyo. I'll be Bae Yong Joon, and the romance? With the city of Tokyo of course! I love it here...^_^

I have to admit I wasn't too eager to leave the 32 C weather in Bangkok for a much colder Tokyo..

My flight info....

My elephant and I enjoyed listening to Sakanaction's song: "Tokyo" while at the gate...

On the plane, I observed the blue (very warm!) sky before departure...

I flew ANA, which has great food, but terrible in-flight entertainment. I ended up staring out the window a lot and reading 80+ pages of Murakami.

Upon arrival at the hotel, I had to change into the winter version of cutenekko. Before I moved to Thailand, I threw away all my winter clothes. So, this coat and scarf are the only winter things I have.

cutenekko (as Bae Yong Joon) ^_^
As soon as I got settled in, there was a knock on the door -- I had a parcel! It was from my flute teacher. The photos from my flute concert in October had arrived. Yay!


Inside photos....
All participants...and one foreign girl. ^_^

View of my performance...

After sending messages to friends, chatting on the phone with a few more friends and checking in with my parents, it was time to enjoy the best thing in Japan -- the deep bathtubs! I enjoyed and took a photo for my readers! (laugh)

My feet + hot bath = pure happiness. ^_^

What's coming up next? Ice skating! Drop by again tomorrow to see...

Small note: In photos, I will continue to edit friends' faces, but for myself, I will not. I have a lot of friends who I rarely see and thought, this blog is the only way for them to keep in touch. (more so, since I am not on Facebook).


  1. WOW, the waiting was really worth it! What a great new blog post! I love the poetical title^^ and the photos, especially from your performance and the picture with the participants. The only "farang" girl.
    And what Murakami where you reading? The new one?

  2. Hi Corgi,

    I'm glad you like the title. I think it fits perfectly. ^_^
    The Murakami I'm reading is your favorite: Wind Up Bird Chronicles. I am halfway through....

