Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alliance Francaise

Parlez-vous le français ? ^_^

I was interested in studying French, so I headed over the Alliance Francaise to check out their school complex.

Alliance Francaise is more than just a French school. They have an auditorium for music and theater, classes for French and Thai, professional courses in art, design, music and fashion, a library, and several cafes. Their most famous cafe, [Cafe 1912] is listed in the Lonely Planet Guide.

Unfortunately, they do not offer the education visa for French language studies.

Alliance Francaise is located at 29 South Sathorn Road. From Sala Daeng BTS, it takes about 15 minutes on foot. Their website is HERE. Cafe 1912 is featured on another blog HERE.


  1. Nice! I went to the Alliance Francais in Kyoto for hanami this year and it is a really beautiful building--wish I could study French there! But I started getting my nails done, and the aesthetician is from Morocco so we speak French, Japanese, and English :) Did you decide to study French or are you going to focus on German instead?

  2. Hi Mary H,

    That is really cool that you could speak French, English and Japanese during your nail salon visit. ^_^ I just languages...

    As for your question, I will work on German now, and in September, my friend and I will study French together. If I can get up to your level, I'll write you emails in French! ^_^
