Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soi Convant IV

Soi Convant's most famous resident is the foreign friendly, BNH Hospital. Doctors here can speak several languages, so there is not need to feel uncomfortable.

The hospital entrance:

Walking further down, I came across a cute cookie/ sweets shop:

I think the superhero guys are suffering a little from "beer gut"....

Help us! We're trapped!! Let us out! Let us out! ^_^

The selection:

They all looked really delicious!


  1. Holy sheep! I had 37 page views yesterday, and visitors from Iraq and Kuwait. Cool!! Thank you everyone!!

  2. Shut the front door! That is sooo cool. You are one popular lady!

  3. Anna-Lise! I miss you! When are we gonna laugh it up on Skype again? ^_~
    Btw, I love your phrase: "Shut the front door!" Can I borrow that? (giggles) I wanna make that my new "happy" phrase.

    Thank you for your great comment. It made my day. ^_^

  4. Hooooly Sheep herders! I got 44 page views today. Wow.
    And a big welcome to the visitors from Belarus!
    Thank you for visiting! ^_^/*
