Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Skating...in action

I now have a routine every Friday afternoon -- I go ice skating at the mall. How cool is that? As a Canadian girl, I need to be near the cold now and then. The Rink at Central World is the perfect place to get my fix.


My new friend, Ms. A and I met for some skating and a lot of chatting. It was so much fun. While she took a break, I gave her my camera and she took lots of pictures... including one of the staff.

Staff skating:

He's Thai and really good at skating...which seems odd to me for some reason. A country where the weather is 34 C everyday and he skates...like...a Canadian! (laughing)

There were a lot of little kiddies on this day. These two girls are using the little "support penguins". Cute eh?

The Rink is located in Central World, 1F, near the B2S bookstore. Open from 10.00 ~ 22.00. Cost 250 Baht for 1.5 hours (skates included). I had my skates sharpened here for 100 baht. (=300 JPY/ $3)


  1. You look really good on the ice! But where is your penguin? At home? Waiting in the freezer? Poor thing!

  2. Guten Tag Fraulein Corgi!

    My penguin? I don't need one. I really want to go skating with Mr.E. He doesn't mind the cold...

    I miss him already... T_T <---Me crying. (laughing)

  3. I forgot to say "Thank you" for the nice comment about my skating skills. I'm going tomorrow, after lunch.

    I really want to do some spins or jumps. Gotta practice! ^_^
