Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cooking Lesson #1 | 日本料理

This was actually the first Japanese cooking lesson. I had forgotten my camera on this day, so I was waiting for my friend to send the photos she took. Sorry to be late!

The dishes I cooked were: 肉 ジャガー(sweet, stewed beef or pork) and Gobo salad. Gobo is a kind of root vegetable in Japan. It's full of fiber and very healthy. ^_^

First up, we used pork, cooking it in a mixture of soy sauce, sake and sugar:

You add other vegetables, such as potato, onions and konyaku (a kind of potato jelly found in Japan). It's a very easy dish to make and is often mentioned by Japanese as their favorite home-cooked meal.

I love Gobo, so I really wanted to learn how to make gobo salad. I was surprised how easy it was!

Boiling the gobo:

Just "shave" the gobo skin, slice and lightly blanche in hot water (=boil for about 2~3 minutes). Add mayonaise, blanched carrots and sesame. I ordered this dish all the time while in Japan -- it's my favorite. ^_^


Our final presentation consisted of rice, salad and the pork:

What do you think? ^_^


  1. Interesting information:
    Gobo is really expensive here. About 280 baht for 3 pieces (=¥850). o_O

    Some people enjoy foie gras & caviar, I like Gobo. ^_^

  2. Here in Japan, the price of Gobo of the same amount is 200-300 yen.

    Your cooking made me really hungry. I like both of them. Did you add something original to enrich the taste?

    Next question is about English. I happen to find an English cooking list on the internet. Does this English make sense?

  3. Hi Takao,

    Gobo in Japan is so cheap! I will be able to cook this a lot next year then. ^_^ Great news!

    I didn't add anything special to the taste of the Gobo salad. Only Kewpie mayo. ^_^

    Thank you for the link to the English cooking dictionary. It's perfect. I like that both the Japanese and English are listed. It's great for my studies too. Thanks again!
