Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Project Complete!

As mentioned in an earlier post, I had a friend professionally design my new apartment. Yesterday, she arrived with the final touches: two lamps, some glasses and more cushions. The apartment is complete!

Sofa with 2 more red cushions and a new lamp:

Close up the Klimt prints (Lady with a Fan, 1917~1918):

...The Kiss (1907~1908):

I moved some furniture from the balcony, inside due to the rain recently:

Close up of the print (Fulfillment, 1905~1909):

In the bedroom, we added an orange lamp and some vases:

I love spending time at home now, just relaxing and enjoying my surroundings. Later this month, I will host a housewarming party for a bunch of friends. Be sure to watch for that post. ^_^


  1. Where are your cuddle toys ^o^ ?

  2. Hi Corgi,

    Ichiro puppet has been ordered and will arrive by X-mas. ^_^
