Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bangkok UniQlo | バンコクのユニクロ

I love UniQlo. It's a famous clothing shop from Japan. Last year, in Thai class, a Korean guy and I were whining about the lack of UniQlo in Bangkok. A year later, we have one! Yay!! ^_^ I finally visited the shop with a friend.

UniQlo entrance:

This shop is HUGE! We spent about 40 minutes walking through it. I found something unusual on the rack -- a sheep!

I was surprised to see a lot of winter clothes. (whispers) We don't have cold weather in Bangkokだよ! I think UniQlo was trying to attract the many tourists who visit Bangkok; they might want to buy winter clothes to take back to their home countries...I guess?

My friend bought something and I went to the cashier with her. Check out the line of cash registers!


One interesting point: whoever trained the staff here did an excellent job. The Japanese cry of いらしゃいませ!(Welcome!) could be heard every minute or so but, in Thai. Thais say:
sawadii uniqlo ka!
After my friend's purchase, the staff said "thank you" to us numerous times. This is common customer service in Japan, which I love very much. I feel happy giving my money to such friendly staff... (laugh)

UniQlo is the best. Go now. Central World, 3F Central Atrium area. Prices from 300 baht ($9/ ¥900).

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