Thursday, September 22, 2011

Interior Design

Before I left for Tokyo, I had a nice tea & chat with a friend, Tat, who as a hobby, enjoys interior design. I casually mentioned that I would be moving into a new place at the end of the month and to my surprise, she said: "If you'd like, I could decorate it for you." o_O That one little comment made me think....

....and just like that, after gaving her my budget & themes, she quizzed with me tons of "Do you like this or this?" and the project started. ^_^ I wanted to be surprised and so, gave her creative freedom. The results were better than I had imagined. I feel like my little apartment has become a comfortable place which reflects my life & travels. I hope you will enjoy the before and after photos....

Bedroom, before:

Bedroom, after:
(Theme) Canadian colors, red & white. Lots of texture, as I love textures.

Kitchen, before:

Kitchen, after:
(Theme) Ocean. I grew up near the Atlantic Ocean in Canada and going to the beach was where I spent the majority of childhood in summer. I love the smell of the ocean...^_^

Bath, before:

Bath, after:
(Theme) Spa. When I travel, I love to stay in nice hotels. The baths are usually big, warm and inviting, with a beautiful aroma. I wanted my bath space to remind me of these points.

Living room, before:

Living room, after:
(Theme) Asian/Klimt. Simplicity is key in Asian homes, and I like that. But why Klimt? His art reflects love & relationships; both are important to me as a person. I love pink, but requested more warm colors here. I think the balance is perfect.

I am essentially a very simple person, just saving money; I don't keep many things. So, I am surprised at myself for spending money on decorations. But the result is a place I can easily call "home". I am very happy -- my money was well invested.

For those interested, my friend, Tat, would LOVE to design your home, apartment or office. She's currently renovating a 180 year old farmhouse in Austria. ^_^ My apartment was completed in only 2 weeks! If you are interested in talking with her, just leave a comment. I can pass on her email address.
I'm still waiting for several order made lampshades and one floor lamp. When these arrive, I will update this post. ^_^


  1. Wow!!!Just wow!
    When is the housewarming party?

  2. Hi Corgi,

    Thank you. It's all Tat's genius. But, she told me: your apartment is next, isn't it? ^_^

    The housewarming party will be from early October. I'm still waiting on 2 lampshades.

    We should make it a Skype or Ustream event -- that way, friends in Canada, Japan and Germany could take part too! What do you think?
