Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tokyo! | 東京 Day 5 (Part 2)

Travels in Tokyo continue...

After finishing my tea set at the Benoist Tea Room in Matsuzakaya, I headed outside in Ginza and took a video...

Notice how quiet it is? As I have been living in noisy Bangkok for 1.5 years, this was a big shock to me.

I moved next to Yurakucho station, which is close to Tokyo station. I was recommended to try a fancy chocolate shop here, La Maison du Chocolat.

The selection....

When I arrived, I felt very out of place. This place was super posh! Check out the price and selection of the chocolates...

This box costs over ¥11,000 (3,500 baht/ $110):

These coffee beans are ¥1,575 per 100 grams!!! (600 baht/ $16)

But, I had to try's freaking nice chocolate! So, I scanned the menu...
(click to see details)

...and ordered a chocolate drink, Guayaquil. The menu said it was a cold chocolate drink with a hint of vanilla:

It came with a mini macaroon -- passionfruit flavor:

I had an interesting experience in this shop. While sitting at the counter, a group of about 4 or 5 young guys came in. They looked like students and certainly didn't seem like the type to buy such fancy chocolates. I wondered: why are they here? I really wanted to ask them, but was shy. Instead, I enjoyed watching them giggle and look lost. ^_^ It was pretty funny. I wish I had taken a photo of them.

La Maison du Chocolat is located near Yurakucho station, Exit D3. Shops also in North America, Asia & Europe. Site HERE. My drink cost ¥945 (300 baht/ $10).


  1. no "hello kittys" walking on the street? I'm shocked!

  2. (laughing!!) No, I didn't see any out walking on this particular day. But Corgi, there was a DJ Hello Kitty spinning at a shop in Shibuya on the weekend...

    Go HERE to see the photo.... ^_^
