Wednesday, May 9, 2012

春の武士「haru no bushi」 - part 8

A birthday trip to Hakone continues...

After traveling via a switch back train, then a cable car, and finally a ropeway, we reached the top of the mountain. Just outside the ropeway station, at the summit, we could see Mount Fuji!

An icon of Japan, Mount Fuji:

We hiked a further 15 minutes, to reach the summit point of Owakudani. This summit point is 1050 meters (=3,360 feet) above sea level. Here, the sulphuric gas was strong. I took a few photos and enjoyed the nice view quickly, before succumbing to a headache. (>.<)

Leaving Owakudani, my friend and I headed down via another ropeway to Lake Ashinoko. This lake also commands views of Mt. Fuji and is famous for having a red gate (called "torii" in Japanese), which appears to float on the water.

We boarded a sightseeing boat to cross the lake...

View of another sightseeing ship:

cutenekko at the docks:

My friend and I both love history, and wanted to explore a new museum along the lake. In English, it's called Hakone Checkpoint. Long ago, Japan was divided into two main territories -- what is modern Tokyo today and outside of Tokyo. To travel between these two points, one needed a visa. It was here, at Hakone, that immigration officers checked visas and travelers passing through the two territories. I really enjoyed viewing the gates, exhibits and scenery from this museum.

Entrance just before the Hakone Checkpoint, with view of Lake Ashinoko in the back:

An exhibit of weapons at Hakone Checkpoint:

Immigration officers, checking paperwork and visas. Very nice display!

View after climbing the lookout tower. Below are the two main gates dividing the two territories.

There was one more spot I really wanted to visit, since I love nature. A short hiking path called Cedar Avenue, was located near the Hakone Checkpoint. My friend and I walked though the forest here, which felt like another world...


It was getting late, so we headed back via boat and ropeway to the train station. I got a photo of the famous floating red torii gate:

After returning, we visited my friend's (Samurai) mother's house and she presented me with two beautiful gifts. I was so shocked by her kindness, I couldn't help but cry.

Gift #1 -- chopsticks:

Gift #2 -- traditional Japanese design pen with my name engraved on it! 

After eating dinner at her house, we headed back to Samurai's place where he had one final surprise. He had ordered a cheesecake which came with some sparkling strawberry juice. I made a wish before blowing out the candles, of course! ^_^

The glass was a souvenir from Samurai's trip to Eastern Europe.
Beautiful, no?
In Japanese, it says: Otanjyobi omedeto (Happy Birthday)
I hope you enjoyed my birthday tour of Hakone in Kanagawa.

**Special thanks to Samurai for planning the day..and for taking a day off work! 

Tourist information about Owakudani can be found HERE

Lake Ashinoko information is HERE

Hakone Checkpoint is a must for history buffs! A pamphlet is available in English, but does not explain many of the exhibits. Bring a Japanese friend who can help with the translations. Discount on the entrance fee if you hold a Hakone Free Pass ticket. Info HERE


  1. Hi Cutie,
    Happy Happy Happy belated birthday dear sent with much love and hugs and head rubs. Miss you extremely and can't wait to see you soon hopefully. :) Mireille

  2. Hi Anna-Lise! Thank you! I always appreciated your head rubs -- they were deeelightful! ^_^

    Yeah, let's get together this fall! It will be fun to come back to Canada. See you soon!
