Tuesday, May 1, 2012

春の武士[haru no bushi] - part 2

The following day, after my arrival in Japan, my friend took a half day off work. We traveled together to a location which is our favorite -- Enoshima. Here, my friend showed off some fishing spots and other famous views.

At Enoshima, we walked the long pier and enjoyed watching many people fishing...
There were people fishing...they were just much further down the pier!
Hiking is a popular pastime here, so naturally, we hiked up the hill to enjoy the view of the harbor below..
I love Enoshima as it reminds me of my hometown in Canada. ^_^
On this island, which is a popular date spot for couples, my friend and I went to view the "Bell of Ryuren". This bell has a special story behind it. The short version is that couples who ring the bell together will be together forever. I'm not going to tell you if I rang it or not! (laugh)

The bell:

Behind the bell is a simple fence, but what is connected to the fence is pretty spectacular. Many locks can be seen attached to this chain link fence; again, these are placed here by couples who wish to "lock their love together." The locks are also symbolic of love never breaking. It was a beautiful sight.

Cutenekko poses with a lock:

Close up of a lock:

After leaving Enoshima, my friend suggested riding a train to Kamakura. This train is very famous in Japan. Its name is: Enoden, which is short for "Enoshima Densha" -- densha being the Japanese word for train. The reason for its popularity is due to the beautiful view one can enjoy while riding the train -- it follows the Pacific Ocean coast, and snakes its way through tiny back roads, until reaching Kamakura. 

I rode right up front and enjoyed watching the conductor:

When we arrived in Kamakura, we walked around and found an interesting cutlet shop. I laughed upon seeing a poster that looked rather sad. Here is the poster...poor piggy! 

I enjoy a minced cutlet here, which was said piggy ground up with herbs and spices. Sorry piggy, but you are so delicious! 

After returning to my friend's place, I was treated to a Japanese meal of all my favorites -- tempura pumpkin, okonomiyaki, (grilled cabbage and seafood) grilled chicken, and mochi (pounded rice cakes). My friend prepared everything and we enjoyed eating and talking until very late in the morning. ^_^

From L to R: chicken, pumpkin and okonomiyaki
Tomorrow, I'll show you around Yokohama harbor. Please visit again.

Enoshima sightseeing spots can be found HERE. Kamakura information is HERE. Endoden information can be seen HERE

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