Tuesday, May 1, 2012

春の武士 [haru no bushi] - part 1

I'm in Japan again. Why? This time, I was invited by a friend to come and spend my birthday in the land of Samurai. The title "Haru no Bushi" refers to spring and my friend's nickname.

Let's look at the stats for this trip:

Time              = 29 days
Places to visit = Yokohama, Tokyo, Nagoya, Chiba and 2 secret locations 
Staying          = at my friend's house ^_^

I left Bangkok airport quite early in the morning, but got a great shot of the nice interior architecture:

While walking to my gate, I found something unusual:

I didn't have time to order it, so I can't really say how it's different from regular pizza....

At the gate, the ANA lady seemed a little flat and stiff.... (laugh)

The 6 hour flight seemed to take forever...but I finally arrived. After riding the bus, my friend picked me up at Yokohama station. We ended up talking until 2am about many things. ^_^ Our adventures and travels around the Kanto area started the following day, so be sure to check back tomorrow to see.

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