My friend cooked the first two meals and then I made something from Canada as a way to say "thank you" in return.
First up, a cornucopia of assorted dishes -- all my favorites again -- western omelet, tuna sandwich, corn soup and salad. Looks good, no? ^_^
My friend had requested long before I came to Japan to make meatloaf. It's a staple of Canadian cooking and a dish that I always enjoy making. So, I had fun being the chef in my friend's kitchen for the day. I prepared rice, meatloaf, carrots and salad.
While eating, we have only one rule : no TV and no radio. We both agreed enjoying conversation while eating is a great way to spend time with your friends.
How about my readers? Do you have any special dishes that you enjoy eating? What about rules at the dinner table? I'd love to hear your thoughts. ^_^
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