Saturday, July 16, 2011

Penis Shrine

In Asia, when women are eager to have children or become pregnant, they will often visit a "penis shrine". At least, this is what we foreigners call these places. The name comes from the large, wooden phallic symbols which are worshipped and placed here.

This penis shrine was located on the grounds of the Swisshotel on Wireless Road.

I snapped this picture, which explains the shrine (click the photo for details):

To the right, a small shrine:

Next to that small shrine, three large phallic symbols:

Further down, a large tree with numerous penises propped next to it.

So, does it really work? Well, my friend, Ms. V, laid an offering of flowers here and within 2 days, she became pregnant! I am not interested in having children at all, so I made sure to not touch ANYTHING while visiting. (laugh)

This shrine made me wonder though...what do Canadian women do when they wish to become pregnant? Do they pray at church? I have been away from my home country for so long, I have no idea. Perhaps my readers can enlighten me... ^_^

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