Monday, November 7, 2011

Nagoya | 名古屋 #4

My private trip to Nagoya Japan continues...

This was the day of the concert! I was super nervous! Players had to report to the hall by noon and I was due to perform at 15.30 or so... waiting around & warming up made me more nervous....

I'm sorry I don't have any photos of the concert yet. I have to wait for the professional photographer to send them here. When they arrive, I will scan and post them. ^_^

After the concert wrapped up, a large group of us headed out to a French bistro for a celebratory dinner! I really enjoyed.

The restaurant:

We ordered a course menu. First, salad...

Main dish...


...and of course wine! We ordered 2 bottles and I made sure to try both. ^_^
All the flautists & friends...

I got a friend to snap a photo of my flute teacher and pianist. My flute teacher gave me really funny advice: "Don't date Japanese men!" (laugh) Men are the same everywhere, I doesn't matter which country they are from. ^_^

Cutenekko, my flute teacher and her pianist friend:

She also tried to figure out my name in kanji. She came up with these:
世 鈴 楕 (laugh) My name is really hard to translate into Japanese...If my Japanese readers have any suggestions, please let me know. ^_^

It was really nice to see everyone again. My friend from Osaka also joined and we had the best talk ever! I learned a lot of interesting things from her. Recently, I love listening to others' stories and experiences. I think by listening, we learn more about ourselves. What do you think?


  1. Thank you for waiting everyone! ^_^ Please enjoy the latest post.

  2. According to my stats report:

    There were 50 visitors from Japan today??!?!? What the heck??
    I think I only know about 20...

    The other 30 visitors, don't be shy! I love making Japanese friends.^_^

  3. Hi Sweetie,
    It's great to read about your travels. I really do love keeping up to date every day. One thing, why do you blur people's eyes out? It's really creepy. :) Come to PEI soon please :D

  4. Hi Anna-Lise!

    Long time, no comment! ^_^

    Recently, I love traveling back and forth between Thailand and Japan. It's fun.
    I blur out the eyes for privacy reasons...but I guess it doesn't work well? LOL

    I want to come to PEI. We are having a small crisis here (flood) and it's starting to stress me out. >_< No water in my area yet...but people say it will come and will last for a month! Yikes!
