Saturday, August 6, 2011

Afternoon Tea @ Mandarin Oriental | Part 1

Shiny Ms.D and I had planned to try afternoon tea ever since our adventure at the scrumptious Sukhothai Chocolate Buffet (see parts 1, 2 and 3). After researching, many web-heads recommended the afternoon tea at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, along the Chao Phraya river in Bangkok.

We first had to take a boat to the hotel....which was a luxurious way to start our afternoon!

Along the river, many hotels ofter free boat services; just catch a boat at the pier at Sapan Taksin:

Upon arrival, the staff led us through a garden to the building which houses "Authors' Lounge" -- our setting for the afternoon tea.

In the photo above, you can see a small red, Chinese style "gate". This is actually a miniature version of the "Giant Swing", which is located in Yarowat (China Town). See the real gate HERE.

We arrived very early, so my friend and I explored the lounge area. To see inside, visit the blog tomorrow for Part 2!

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