Saturday, August 20, 2011

The P&L Club @ Conrad Hotel | Part 1

Back in mid July, I entered a contest sponsored by BK Magazine. The prize? A women's only cigar & whiskey tasting event. I based my entry on my unique sense of humor, writing...

One reason I should be selected for this event:
I'm Canadian. According to the taxi drivers in BKK, Canadians are very rare in Thailand. Don't you want the chance to meet a rare Canadian???

...and I won. ^_^

I arrived quite early, and the owner gave me a tour. Inside, there is a British style barber shop, where patrons can get a shave and a hair cut.

Sink & chair:

Detail of the foot rest on the chair:

Shaving gear:

Be sure to visit tomorrow; you can see this club's enormous humidor!

The P&L Club is located in the Conrad Hotel on 87 Wireless Rd. It's open to hotel guests and member's only. Fees are 50,000 Baht and 100,000 Baht for one year. (¥150,000 & ¥300,000/ $1,500 & $3,000) This event, sponsored by BK Magazine, was free. Whew!

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